just think, type, submit. every poem is anonymous.
"We are His meaning," His only Son reads to us, "And He is our truth."
olin purjeve- ne kilpailuussa eilen today I am not.
is always the same. wonders: did you have braces? tiptoeing again...
anonymity is the new weapon
[random person's name] you are so unbearably pretentious, fuck you.
sex in the spare room the one your grandma sleeps in i laughed, undressing
i have the crankies reading hurts my neck but i love it nevertheless
headless bird dangles by a string from a tree branch gloomy ornament
I've never smelled you ...god! I've never tasted you... yet you linger on
the stretch of a cat'sleg, extended far enoughinto space, asleep.
Ice-storm aftermathtrees made of glass--shatteringcrystal in sunlight
I am sitting hereReading all this po-e-tryand wondering why