fucking airports
I know I love him
Because I can't stop crying.
Come home, come home. Please.
just think, type, submit.
every poem is anonymous.
I know I love him
Because I can't stop crying.
Come home, come home. Please.
12:52 PM
Two different people
Living here with the same heart,
The same mind, same soul.
11:05 AM
I've been so obsessed
With the sense of smell lately...
It can change your life.
1:32 AM
when all of the fish
are dead you can thank BP,
your car and your greed.
12:10 AM
material things
constant struggle to receive
still, we cry for more
11:41 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know that there's a new form permanently at the bottom of the page for submissions, to make your lives easier and now if you click the link on the sidebar to contact us, it won't bring up your email client, it will send you to a new page to contact us via Kontactr.
Thanks and keep submissions coming!
12:49 AM
people watching as
lives flow through crosswalks or stop
at red traffic lights
10:14 AM