i put cinnamon
in my pasta sauce today.
surprisingly good.
just think, type, submit.
every poem is anonymous.
Lord, keep your rumored
all-knowing eyes from seeking
out the dark secrets of
my damp and shadowed
sheets. I'm not your child, only
a private woman
loving a quiet
man, thrilling in vice, and my
earnings remain mine.
You who --so I heard--
breathed my name at conception,
wrote my life in your
Book of Life, told my
sordid tale in black and white--
just leave me alone.
9:40 PM
i asked him to give
me seventeen syllables
he looked and said "huh?"
10:19 AM
the ancient Norse Gods
never died. They knock on doors
mid-week, hammer in
rainstorms, burst into
crowsong at shiny things or
when a person dies.
1:01 PM
i struggled to reach
you, but the silence piled on
itself-- heavy, and cold.
7:47 AM